
Comprehensive planning is key to both a coordinated response to an emergency as well as compliance with day to day operations. Cura Emergency Services can utilize our experienced environmental and emergency management professionals to assist you with keeping your facilities compliant and prepared.

Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans are required for a variety of facilities and the rules were amended in 2011. Compliance with the 2011 Amendments is now required, so many facilities with existing plans may require updates. Cura Emergency Services can assist by helping you determine what may be required to bring your facility into compliance, prepare the plans for you (including both self certified and plans with PE signature requirements), and even supply you with training and spill kits. With our background in emergency response management, we are uniquely qualified to both prepare the plans, and implement them should the need arise.

For larger facilities, we can also assist with preparation of Facility Response Plans.

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) may be required for your facility to be in compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System under the Clean Water Act and with state-specific general permits. If your facility has activities such as material handling and storage, equipment maintenance or washing, or industrial processes that may be exposed to stormwater, you likely require a SWPPP. Storm water discharges, and hence specific planning and sampling, vary with the types of activities and materials used onsite as well as your facility's SIC code. Cura Emergency Services can help you determine if you are regulated, assess potential types of discharges, and build a site specific SWPPP with Best Management Practices, training, and help with reporting.

For more information on preparation of facility plans, please contact us at or call us at (972) 378-7333. 

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